• Ecoener’s Chairman calls for a stable framework for business development and legal security that is not available nowadays.
La Coruña, 23 November 2024.- “For the European economy to become competitive and grow at a strong pace, as demanded by the Draghi report, it must be supported by affordable energy and a high level of legal security in the long term; otherwise, the goals will not be met,” said Ecoener’s Chairman, Luis de Valdivia, in the sessions of the 23rd Congress of the Spanish Manager and Executive Confederation (CEDE, by its acronym in Spanish), held in A Coruña under the presidency of H.M. the King of Spain, Felipe VI.
The founder and chairman of Ecoener highlighted the importance for businesspeople of a “stable framework to develop out business and legal security in the long term that is not available nowadays.” For Luis de Valdivia, “the role of energy from renewable sources will have to be considered to determine whether it can reduce the energy bill of the industry and the companies due to the lack of long-term regulatory certainties.”
By addressing the challenges faced by renewable energy companies, he mentioned that they need to be a source of efficiency and cost reduction for the rest of the of the business fabric: “Affordable energy is essential, for instance, for the deployment and operation of energy-intensive data centres, which are so necessary for technological development.”
Regarding the Galician economy, Ecoener’s Chairman said: “We are living the best moment in the history of the Galician economy, which is showing great dynamism.” The line-up of Galician companies with successful international activity is spectacular. We have an exceptional group of companies, as well as something very important – a high level of commitment from people”.