Lomo del Moral Wind Farm

Lomo del Moral Wind Farm

4MW Installed Power

San Bartolomé de Tirajana, Gran Canaria Island, España


Lomor del Moral wind farm is located in San Bartolomé de Tirajana (Gran Canaria Island), where Ecoener has three more parks in operation: Llanos de la Aldea, San Bartolomé, El Rodeo and La Caleta.

The six wind turbines that make up the park have the tip of the blades painted red, thus helping to prevent birds from colliding with the wind turbine. In addition, for a better integration into the landscape of the municipality of Canary, the fustes of the wind turbines have been painted earth color.

This park has been co-financed with FEDER funds, this aid is first call for investment aid in wind power technology production facilities located in the Canary Islands and promoted by the European Union, under the motto A way of making Europe.

4MW Installed Power

2020Year of Start of Operation

5aerogeneradoresEnercon E48